Welcome to IsisCB Cumulative, 1913-1975

As of November 2016, anyone can now access the printed text of the Isis Cumulative Bibliographies between 1913 and 1975. These volumes, seven in all, were published between 1971 and 1984. Edited by Magda Whitrow (volumes 1-5) and John Neu (volumes 6-7), these books are compilations of the annual Isis Critical Bibliographies published in successive volumes of the journal Isis since its very first issue. For discussion of the organization of the volumes, see Introduction to Volume 1.

The citations in these volumes will eventually be added to IsisCB Explore, but in the meantime researchers can browse through them as HTML files.

This is the first time these bibliographies have been made freely accessible. This was accomplished with the support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the University of Oklahoma Libraries, and the History of Science Society, as part of the IsisCB Explore project, under the direction of Stephen P. Weldon. Please see the About page to learn more about the history of these volumes and the digitization process.

How to Access and Search:

Currently these volumes are rendered as individual HTML files. They are large text files (about 20Mb each) and require quite a few seconds to load, so please be patient. The pages are designed to be viewed on a full screen and accessing them on mobile devices is not advisable.

You can search for keywords using your browser’s find function. (More advanced searching will be available when the entries are integrated with IsisCB Explore, scheduled for 2017.)

The paragraph mark (¶) that begins each entry is an anchor for that entry. Pressing that link will move the entry to the top of the page and place a URL in the browser navigation bar corresponding to that specific location. (So, for example, the URL http://cumulative.isiscb.org/vol1.html#p95-11 will take you directly to Fulton H. Anderson’s The philosophy of Francis Bacon (1948) in volume 1 of IsisCB Cumulative.)

This online format is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Please cite this digitization project as "IsisCB Cumulative, 1913-1975" by The History of Science Society.